Physical KPIs
Distance Covered
The total distance the player covered (m)
SD (Sprint Distance)
The total distance the player covered sprinting (m)
The number of times the player exceeded X m/s
Top Speed
The maximum speed the player reached (m/s)
HID (High-Intensity-Distance)
The total distance the player covered with a speed above X m/s and below the sprint threshold (m)
Work Rate (m/min)
The total distance covered divided by the duration of the session/drill (m/min)
Player ground acceleration and deceleration profile
Technical KPIs
Touches (#)
The total number of ball touches a player had
Leg Usage (%)
The % of touches with each foot
Ball Possessions (#)
The number of Individual Ball Possessions (IBP) the player had.
IBP - a player has control of the ball:
- Release action (pass/kick) or
- Sequence of 3 touches or
- Player covering at least 6 meters with the ball
Releases (#)
The total number of release actions the player had
Pass Completion (%)
The % of releases that successfully reached a player on the same team
Playing Tempo: 1 Touch
IBP with only 1 touch
Short Possession
IBP with a minimum of 2 touches and the duration is lower than 1.5 seconds
Long Possession
IBP with a minimum of 2 touches and the duration is higher than 1.5 seconds
Time on the Ball (sec)
The total time the player had possession of the ball
Average time on the Ball (sec)
The average time to release; excluding 1 touch
Regains (#)
The number of times the player gained an IBP straight from the opposition
Lost Balls (#)
The number of times the player's IBP ended with an opponent gaining an IBP or the ball going out of play
Team Tactical KPIs
Passing Network
The number of times each player passed and received the ball from other teammates
Team Ball Possession (TBP)
All consecutive IBP (1 or more) of players in one team
Possession (%)
The % of time a team was in possession of the ball
Passes (#)
Sum of passes made by the team's players
Pass completed (%)
% of completed (successful) passes
Passes per Possession
Average number of passes per TBP
Avg. Possession (sec)
Average time of TBP
Avg. Retrieving (sec)
The average time it takes a team to regain the ball from the opposition
GAIT Definitions
Flight Duration
- Definition
- The duration between the foot leaving the ground to the contact the next foot touches the ground.
- The data is presented per leg (In order to provide symmetry measures, when the left foot is the front foot, that is characterised as the left foot flight duration and when the right foot is the front foot, that is the left foot duration).
- Value
- Head Coach will be able to understand if any of his players are showing signs of neuromuscular fatigue
- Format of calculation
- Minimum flight duration - The minimum duration between the foot leaving the ground to the contact the next foot touches the ground.
- Maximum flight duration - The maximum duration between the foot leaving the ground to the contact the next foot touches the ground.
- flight duration - The average duration between the foot leaving the ground to the contact the next foot touches the ground.
- Flight duration symmetry- a comparison of the above metrics for the left vs. the right foot output. As flight duration is taken from one foot to the other during the swing phase of the gait, the symmetry metrics are calculated by analysing the outputs from each leg is the leading foot.
- Parameters are calculated for overall session, per HSR zone and Sprint zone
Contact Duration
- Definition
- The duration the foot has spent in contact with the floor, from when it first touches the ground to when it leaves the ground again.
- The data is presented per leg
- Value
- Sports Scientist will be able to understand if any of his players are showing signs of neuromuscular fatigue
- Format of calculation
- Minimum contact duration - The minimum duration the foot has spent in contact with the floor before it leaves the ground again.
- Maximum contact duration - The maximum duration the foot has spent in contact with the floor before it leaves the ground again.
- contact duration - The average duration the foot has spent in contact with the floor before it leaves the ground again.
- Contact Time Symmetry- The difference between contact time of the left foot and the right foot.
- Parameters are calculated for overall session, per HSR zone and Sprint zone
Flight Ratio
- Definition
- Flight duration divided by the step duration (step duration is contact+flight duration).
- The data is presented per leg
- Format of calculation
- Minimum flight ratio - Using the contact duration divided by the flight duration of the minimum leg values to create the ratio.
- Maximum flight ratio - Using the contact time divided by the flight time of the maximum leg values to create the ratio.
- flight ratio - Using the contact duration divided by the flight duration of the average leg values to create the ratio.
- Parameters are calculated for overall session, per HSR zone and Sprint zone
- Definition
- The total number of steps taken per minute (also known as step frequency)
- Format of calculation
- Minimum cadence - The lowest number of steps (left-right-left-right) recorded during the given session (steps per min).
- Maximum cadence - The maximum number of steps (left-right-left-right) recorded during the given session (steps per min).
- cadence - The average number of steps (left-right-left-right) recorded during the given session (steps per min)
- Parameters are calculated for overall session
Stride Length
- Definition
- Stride length is defined as the distance between two consecutive right heel strikes or left heel strikes.
- The data is presented per leg
- Format of calculation
- Minimum stride length - The smallest distance of a stride length
- Maximum stride length - The largest distance of a stride length
- stride length - The average distance of a stride length
- Steps Asymmetry- A comparison of the left vs. right stride length for the above metrics.
- Parameters are calculated for overall session
- Symmetry
- Symmetry index reflects the difference between the average value of the left leg and the right leg.
- The numbers presented will be in either a positive (reflecting a Left dominance) or negative (reflecting a Right dominance) value.
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